Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fire Safety

This week, we learned all about fire safety and what to do in case of an emergency.  We read lots and lots of books on fire safety and we even got to take home a fire safety workbook.  On Tuesday, we got a visit from the Crestwood Fire Department.

The firefighters talked to the kindergarten students about how smoke alarms warn us if there is a fire and it is so important to make sure the batteries in our smoke alarms are working.

The firefighters told us that if there is ever a fire at our own homes, our families need an escape plan to get out safely.  It's a good idea to have at least two ways out in an emergency!

There were actually two fire trucks at Long on Tuesday.  One truck on the blacktop and one in the front of the building.  If the firefighters were called to an emergency, some of them would leave on the fire truck in front of Long and go to the emergency.  About ten minutes into their talk, the firefighters got a call to go to an emergency.  Some of the firefighters had to leave, but some stayed and let us get on the other fire truck!

Students rotated to the different parts of the fire truck.  We got to explore the back of the truck where some of the firefighters sit.

We sat in the front seat and pretended to drive the truck!

We even got to turn on the fire hose and spray it!

We listened to a song that helped us remember what to do in case of an emergency.  We learned how to dial 9-1-1.  The song also gave us examples of emergencies that we would call 911 for help. Click on this link to hear the song.  911! (fire safety song for kids) 

At center time, we had a center called "Firefighter Fred."  We had to help Firefighter Fred figure out different ways he could wear his firefighter uniform.  He had a yellow hat and jacket, a red hat and jacket, and a black hat and jacket.  He could even mix and match his uniforms.  After we dressed Firefighter Fred in his uniform, we recorded the combinations by coloring them on a sheet of paper.

We started an art project this week that we will continue next week.  We started by mixing red and yellow paint on a white sheet of construction paper (it turned orange!) to make a fire background.  Next, we made firetrucks out of construction paper.  We write a sentence about our picture and combine all of the parts.

This week, we learned that if our clothes catch on fire, we need to stop, drop, and roll.  
1.  Stop and do not run!  If you are on fire and you run, you will increase the amount of oxygen the fire is getting and it will get worse.  Also, do not blow on the flames for the same reason.  
2.  Drop to the ground and cover your face with your hands.  Your hands will protect your face from the flames and protect you from inhaling smoke.
3.  Roll around on the ground while keeping your face covered.
4.  After the fire is out, have an adult run cool water.  Soak your burns in the cool water and call 911 right away!
We practiced stop, drop, and roll so we would be prepared in an emergency!

Mrs. Fink's uncle is the Captain of the Ferguson Fire Department.  On Monday, we will write him a letter telling him what we learned about fire safety and we will have the opportunity to ask him questions!

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